Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Vote For A Good Cause

People always complain about corporate greed. Well, here's something you can do to help channel that corporate stash of cash toward some good causes, and it won't cost you a penny.

American Express is giving US$2.5 million in funding to five organizations to carry out projects such as providing food to malnourished children and offering microloans in underdeveloped countries.

American Express "Members Project" will divide the money among the five organizations, based on AmEx card member votes.

My friend's employer, International Medical Corp (IMC), is one of the five finalists up for this funding, so I might be a bit partial to IMC, but the other four finalists are also good causes.

If you're a legal resident of the U.S. and have an AmEx card issued by American Express in the U.S., you're eligible to vote. You have until October 13.

To vote, click HERE.


margaretaguirre said...

You're a great humanitarian, my sweet, whether you want to admit it or not.
You asked readers recently what they would do if they had 6 months to live. If I had 6 months to live I'd want to take you to Congo (a safe part, of course). We'll bring Tony and the kids too so you don't have to be away from them.
What a trip that would be!

Shin said...


Thanks for the compliment.

When I was a teenager, I wanted to be rich and famous some day so I could use my money and fame to save the world. I've always admired celebrities and millionaires who used their status and assets to help others.

That's why I admire people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Angelina Jolie, and Oprah. They might be egomaniacal, rich, spoiled brats, but they've done more good with their money and fame than I ever could with all my good intentions.

Anonymous said...

Hello Shin,

I agree the celebs people that you mentioned are respectful. They have so much money, so much they can give. Some people they do help but no one knows. My mother in law donated almost $$ millions dollars to University of Florida but she did in her quiret way.

A man name Dr. Coffrin,(actually my in law Friends, paper tycoon in Florida), yes he did donate, still donating but agian in his way.

I like your this blog because I agree, there are rich people who never think about other. So bad, if I name them but I won't because that's not my type.


lw said...

BTW, Kiva's project is also a finalist - Loans that Change Lives.



Anonymous said...

And, as the bible said, the poor woman who donates 50 cents when she only has 1$ donates far more in terms of love and stuff in comparison with these rich people who actually don't know what they can do with their money. It's all very well, but did they donate when they only had thousands in the bank account? I doubt it.

Shin said...


Thanks for pointing that out. I think KIVA is also a very worthwhile organization.

KIVA provides microloans to people in underdeveloped countries, giving them a chance to get themselves out of poverty.

For example, through KIVA, you can lend $25 to a woman in Indonesia to buy some chickens. She can then go sell the eggs, earn the money back and repay the loan.

Small loans, small steps, but very big differences in the lives of many, many people who just need the opportunity to fend for themselves.

To find out more about KIVA, click HERE.

Shin said...

Anonymous re: Bible story.

I know that's a touching story but the problem with stories like that is that they focus on the giver, not the receiver. It's not about the person doing the giving.

The 50 cents given by the woman who only has a dollar to her name will do nothing to save anybody - it will just give that lady a place in heaven or whatever the Bible promises.

This is another problem I have with Christianity. It focuses on rewards for good deeds. We use that strategy on kids. I think we should grow up.

Sorry, but I'd rather see multimillionaires donate one percent of their wealth than see a poor old lady donate half her life savings. The lady might be more compassionate, but that doesn't help people in need; it only makes the lady look and feel good about herself.

The receivers, not the givers of the donations should be the beneficiaries of the generosity.

Anonymous said...

I respect your intent but my purpose wasn't to highlight a bible story. You said that you thought those people were amazing because they gave so much to charitable organisations, which is great. But the people you chose are multi-millionaires, and if they gave or lost a million they probably wouldn't know for a while, whereas the rest of us would. My point is, that it is easy to give if you have so much surplus cash. Don't think these people are heroes just because they do give cash. WOW, they SHOULD give cash, they shouldn't be heroes for doing it. There are a lot of people around the world who deserve more credit than those who have money. The people who are out there, doing things, for nothing.

E x

Shin said...


I agree. But maybe we shouldn't be so severe in judging multimillionaires either. There are plenty of rich folks who give nothing. So compared to the Paris Hiltons and Leona Helmsleys of the world, I think we can give Oprah and Bill Gates a bit more credit - even if what they give is nothing more than a dent in their pockets.

Anonymous said...

You're the pillar of strength for us.
I really admire you!