Friday, May 9, 2008

Shear Inspiration

This is my friend Sabrina. Check out the gorgeous long hair. On May 17, she's going to say good-bye to her silky strands to raise money for the Children's Cancer Foundation here in Singapore.  

She and a bunch of other women are going to have their heads shaved in an event called "Shear Inspiration".  

Last year 20 women in Singapore shaved their heads and raised $320,000 for the CCF to build and equip two new bone marrow rooms in KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, where Sabrina used to work. 

Click HERE to find out more about the events on May 16 and 17 and to see a photo of the 20 women who shaved their heads last year in all their bald glory.

I'll be going to the Shear Inspiration Party at Rogues on May 17.  Call Sabrina at the number below to arrange tickets ($75, all of which goes to CCF) . You can even bid to shave her head or get a free hair cut yourself. 

If you can't make it to the party, here are other ways to support Sabrina in her efforts to raise money for children with cancer:

1) Click HERE to make a donation to the CCF online.  Select "Sabrina Kuah" in the drop-down menu.  The CCF will have to pay the transaction fee and GST, so really, 9.5% of your donation will NOT go to children with cancer.  If you live outside of Singapore, you'll have to donate online. But if you live in Singapore, the other options is...

2) Send a cheque payable to "Children's Cancer Foundation" to:

Sabrina Kuah
9 Bodmin Drive
Singapore  559609

If you want to claim tax exemption, write your NRIC number on the back of the cheque. 

If you have any questions, here are Sabrina's contacts:

Mobile:  (65) 9273-9221

They're still looking for volunteers, so if you have the guts, join Sabrina and the other ladies and have your head shaved too. I had my head shaved two years ago for another event, and many of you helped me raise more than $17,000 for the CCF. I wanted to volunteer again but I have no hair to shave, so the best I can do is support other women who are going under the razor.

Here' s an interesting thing I've learned since being diagnosed with cancer: women are really attached to their hair.  Some women forego chemotherapy because they'd rather risk dying of cancer than be bald.  One woman said she didn't mind losing her breasts to cancer, but she didn't want to lose her hair.  Amazing. 

So just imagine these women having their heads shaved not because they HAVE to, to save their own lives, but because they WANT to, to help save the lives of kids they don't even know. Truly amazing.  

My hat's (and hair) off to these ladies!

1 comment:

ALI KATI said...

It's so terribly ironic. When I was growing up, I was very adventurous with my hair. I had it permed (what a disaster!), layered, bangs, cut short, dyed purple, red etc - because I always said "Oh well, even if it's terrible, it's hair. It'd grow back." And yet, when I lost mine due to treatment, I found it so painful.

I don't think it was due to the loss of the hair itself, though of course, that was dreadfully inconvenient especially in winter (cold lah!) and yes, there was a little vanity involved - it was more the loss of control of how I was to present myself to the outside world.

I remember one time, after a shoot I'd gone back to the hotel, I de-wigged as the darn things are sweaty and itchy. My camera man knocked on the door and I opened it without thinking. I saw the look on his face and I was immediately apologetic. After all, it must have been a shock for for his poor tired eyes. But it did feel like I had forgotten to put my pants on!

It's not that I found cancer or being bald something to be ashamed about - some women with great bone structure look really beautiful (lucky you!) - it was more that I felt embarrassed for the shock and ill-preparedness of the other person when they encountered it in that way.

But good on these women being so generous follically and in spirit - would I do it if I were back in Singapore? I'm not sure, my hair has grown back to waist length but hey, there are split ends...